Bouquet "Daisy"
Bouquet "Daisy"
If you need delivery at a specific time, please contact us by phone.
Introducing our "Daisy" bouquet – a cheerful blend of roses or spray roses, daisies, and sunflowers, complemented by carnations and lush greenery. A vibrant choice with varied shades for a unique, radiant look!
Flowers: Roses (or spray roses), daisy, and sunflowers. Carnations and greenery may also be included. Please note that the color of the roses and daisies may vary in shade.
Please specify your preferences or any flowers you dislike
* Dear Customer! Please note that while we strive to replicate the bouquet exactly as shown in the photo, slight variations may occur due to seasonal availability and stock. Rest assured, your bouquet will be stunning and perfect.
The vase may also vary from the one shown in the photo.